Shri. Vilasrao Tambe

ME Vacancy Position and Schedule

DSY Vacancy Position and Schedule

FY Vacancy Position and Schedule


SHREE GAJANAN MAHARAJ SHIKSHAN PRASARAK MANDAL’S, SHARADCHANDRA PAWAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Approved by AICTE,DTE Mumbai, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University,(ISO 9001:2015 Certified).Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal is one among the premier Educational Society In Pune District, committed for discharging the service of providing quality education, Established in 1989 under the charismatic leadership of Shri, Vilasrao Tambe, the The society is functioning in rural & hilly area of Northern Pune district with its vision for social transformation and, upliftment of rural masses through education, training and research. In the initial phases of development, the Society struggled a lot due to its limited resources and scarcity of qualified in rural area. The management was finding it too difficult to attract experienced faculty members because of the remote location of the Institute. But without getting demoralized, the Management perused with its untining efforts which started giving fruits at quite at later stages. Presently the Institute is recognized as one among the best in the country. It could attract quite a good number of qualified and experienced faculty members belonging to various parts of the country. We at SGMSPM, are working with a team spirit, with dedication sincerity and enthusiasm to build ourselves and the society as a whole.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to equip students with the latest engineering skills and knowledge to successfully meet the challenges posed by globalization

Our Mission

We at SPCOE shall strive continuously, To achieve,

  • academic excellence in science,
  • engineering and technology through dedication to duty ,
  • innovation in teaching and faith in human values To enable our students to develop into outstanding professionals with high ethical standards to face the challenges of the next millennium To fulfill the expectation of our society by equipping our students to stride forth as resourceful citizens,
  • aware of their immense responsibility to make the world a better place .
  • we will achieve through the sustained team effort, making SPCOE “The Leader of Leaders
  • The mission of SPCOE is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.
  • The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges.
  • SPCOE is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community.
  • We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.

Vishal Vilasrao Tambe

Welcome friends…..
It is indeed my privilege to welcome you to pursue your education with us. I believe that transformation of India from a Developing Nation to a developed nation can only be knowledge driven. I am confident that you will find a pathway to a bright future in a chosen career or profession.

Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal is a group of various multi faculty institutes from Pre-Primary to Post-Graduate, setting academic and professional excellence. The society has taken all efforts to provide the very best in learning facilities and academic standards. We have strived to provide a conductive environment to give you the perfect mind-set to be able to pursue your studies in comfort. Further, for any constructive activity that you wish to take up in connection with your training process, you will find the management fully co-operative and encouraging.

Vishal Vilasrao Tambe
President, SGMSPM
Ex. Chairman, Standing Committee, PMC
Corporator, Pune Municipal Corporation

Vaibhav VilasraoTambe

My Dear Students,
I am delighted to welcome the new entrants at our various programs and promise them a bright future with a meaningful existence. Like other sectors such as IT, industry, science and technology, education is also undergoing significant changes. This is our sincere endeavor to make our young generation benefit from these changes in the realm of education.

The future of the nation depends on the future of young generation. So in order to secure the future of our students it is important that they must get best education. Let us together transform our society through education. Join us in our noble journey, a journey towards perfection through education. In addition to academic quality, we value diversity because it is one of the most treasured tenets of the Institute.

As an emerging educational institute, we continue to strive to attract students, and faculty, from different backgrounds and provide them the kind of support they need to thrive. The young and promising students are most welcome to our institutes; we have dedicated ourselves to carve their career in such manner so as to enable them to successfully cope with the emerging challenges of life & professions. It’s my advice to students to get ahead of the world, define the rules and concepts and follow the right choice and victory shall be achieved.

We should make Higher & Technical Education accessible and affordable to all without caste, creed or colour discrimination. I welcome you to Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal and hope that your journey at GMSPM would be enjoyable, enriching and empowering.
So… thanks for joining us…
let’s grow together for bright future.

Vaibhav VilasraoTambe
Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal

Vishal Vilasrao Tambe

Welcome friends…..
It is indeed my privilege to welcome you to pursue your education with us. I believe that transformation of India from a Developing Nation to a developed nation can only be knowledge driven. I am confident that you will find a pathway to a bright future in a chosen career or profession.

Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal is a group of various multi faculty institutes from Pre-Primary to Post-Graduate, setting academic and professional excellence. The society has taken all efforts to provide the very best in learning facilities and academic standards. We have strived to provide a conductive environment to give you the perfect mind-set to be able to pursue your studies in comfort. Further, for any constructive activity that you wish to take up in connection with your training process, you will find the management fully co-operative and encouraging.

Till today, we have traveled many more miles ahead over the past 22 years with expertise put together by the family of our expert teachers and alumni with the support of students & parents, with their direct or indirect support. We continue to venture into making high grade institutions of quality.

I do hope you are admitted to the branch of study that you wish to opt for and go on to achieving your ambitions in life.
Wishing you every success.
Welcome all of you to GMSPM Group of Institutions!

Vishal Vilasrao Tambe
President, SGMSPM
Ex. Chairman, Standing Committee, PMC
Corporator, Pune Municipal Corporation

Vaibhav VilasraoTambe

Welcome to a new beginning!

I am delighted to welcome the new entrants at our various programs and promise them a bright future with a meaningful existence. Like other sectors such as IT, industry, science and technology, education is also undergoing significant changes. This is our sincere endeavor to make our young generation benefit from these changes in the realm of education. The future of the nation depends on the future of young generation. So in order to secure the future of our students it is important that they must get best education. Let us together transform our society through education. Join us in our noble journey, a journey towards perfection through education. As an emerging educational institute, we continue to strive to attract students, and faculty, from different backgrounds and provide them the kind of support they need to thrive. The young and promising students are most welcome to our institutes; we have dedicated ourselves to carve their career in such manner so as to enable them to successfully cope with the emerging challenges of life & profession. it’s my advice to students to get ahead of the world, define the rules and concepts and follow the right choice and victory shall be achieved.

So… Thanks for joining us…let’s grow together for bright future.

Dr. Govind U. Kharat

My Dear Students,

This is the 21st century and we can see the changing face of world every day. In this global competitive world, excellence in education & research is our prime objective. To meet the need of industries and IT sectors, we have involved ourselves to build the carrier of our students, Industry-Institute interaction, Industrial visits and training, guest lecture from renowned personalities of various sectors. We at SPCOE are providing every facility & technical knowledge to make our students proficient engineers with leadership quality. Our final year B.E. results & placement records proves our quality education. Final year project activities are started from second year only. Soft-skill development, communication skill enhancement, training on extra-curricular courses is our proud. We expect our students will be developed with an extra ordinary skills with excellent personality.
So thanks for joining in the journey of success.

Dr. Govind U. Kharat
PhD(Power Electronics)
M.E(Power System)

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