Workshop on “Selenium Automation Tool”
Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering has Organized two day’s workshop on “Software Testing (Selenium Automation Tool)” on October 11th&12th, 2019
in association with Board of Student’s Development, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
- Title: Two day’s State Level Workshop on “Software Testing (Selenium Automation Tool)”
- Resource person:
- Swarup Kshatriya, Technical Lead, L&D Infotech Limited, Narhe, Pune
- Convener: Pooja S. Gholap
(Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SPCOE, Dumbarwadi, Pune)
- Coordinator: Sunil S. Khatal
- Co-coordinator: Kapil D. Dere
- About workshop:
Mr. Swarup Kshatriya conducted the workshop to explain students in understanding the concepts of the Software Testing (Selenium Automation Tool). They have taken about 14 hours of theoretical and practical sessions.
Mr. Swarup Kshatriya started the workshop with a very creative introductory session on 11th October 2019. First of all he has explained the concepts which will be very helpful for use of Software Testing concepts in industry, using power point presentations. In this theoretical explanation part, Mr. Swarup Kshatriya explained the Eclipse software and Selenium Tool and use of this software for further practical implementation in Automation Testing They have also given a brief idea about challenges of tester along with introduction to Test Cases design principles.
In the Practical sessions, they have taken example how we write test cases, programming fundamental, how enterprise software are managed. They have also explained he limitations of Selenium RC because that was the reason for the eventual development of WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver is a web-based automation testing framework which can test web pages initiated on various web browsers and various operating systems. They have also explained TestNG framework and Window handling methods. On 12th October 2019 Mr. Swarup Kshatriya has taken practical session on real world applications of software Testing through Social media Websites.
Duration: Two day’s workshop on October 11th&12th, 2019
- How many students have attended this workshop: 62
- Topics covered in this Workshop:
- Define Application and understand different types of Applications
- Define Testing and know the different types of Testing
- Describe Manual Testing
- Describe Automation Testing: Test Automation, ROI in automation.
- Define Selenium
- Evolution of Selenium
- Components of Selenium Suite: Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver & Selenium GRID
- Regression Testing
- Functional Testing
- Selenium Vs. other tools
- Role of Selenium in DevOps lifecycle
- Set Up for Selenium
- Java Essentials, Methods in Window handling: Get Window Handle Command ,Get Window Handles Command, Switch To Window Command
- Switch between Windows
- Handle Keyboard Events
- lDropdown
- Window handling
- Introduction to TestNG
- Advantages of TestNG
- Installing TestNG on Eclipse
- Rules to write TestNG
- TestNG Features
- TestNG Report: HTML Report, Console Report, XML Report
- Annotations
- Grouping
- Sequencing
- Parameterization
- TestNG Report
- What is an Automation Framework?
- Properties of Automation Framework
- Introduction to Data Driven Testing using Apache POI
- Read/Write data from/to Excel sheet
- Will develop one project and will use Test NG framework with data read write from Excel Sheet.
- Outcomes of attending the workshop:
- This workshop added new scope to educate concepts and proficiency among the students in the field of Automation testing.
- Workshop has definitely enhanced the Testing skills of the students which will give an advantage to them in their career.
- This Workshop gained students practical knowledge in the field of Automation Testing Using Selenium Tool and enhances their Creativity.
- Received large volumes of usable content within a compressed amount of time.
- Students executed the coding of program & handled errors in Java programs.
Learned software like Eclipse