Innovation Ecosystem

To instill the essence and principles of invention among faculty and students, the college has a well-recognized Academic Monitoring Committee. Through this the college motivates, nurture, technical temper, critical thinking and creativity for the transformation of knowledge by the various activities.

To inspire faculty members and young students by supporting them to work with new concepts and renovate them into models, various schemes for emerging projects, filing patents and copyrights. In count to regular curriculum various other activities are encouraged, field visits, useful workshops, curriculum delivery by experts, seminars, collaborative activities with the industries, professional societies and other research organizations.

To gain the direction from experts for novelty, the college has MoU with more industries. Faculties are provided with financial assistance and motivation to improve their skills. Rewards in terms of appreciation are made by the college. College has 60+ faculty research publications during the year. Faculties are participated in seminar, workshop, FDP, NPTEL Courses.

For faculties and young students’ college arrange various activities in college like organize workshops, hands on training for exposure to latest technologies, annual publication of college magazine, to help students for sponsor projects in Industry, High  performance  computing  laboratory to solve complex  engineering  simulation problems.