Computers and other equipment in different laboratories
The college has adequate number of computers with high speed internet connection and the application software’s.
System up gradation carried out according to the requirement of software.
At the end of every semester stoke verification of departmental laboratories is carried out by staff and respective lab in charge to check out minor, major faults and misplacement of the instruments under supervision of head of department.
Minor and major faults are listed out and maintenance of minor faults out by lab assistant.
Maintenance of major faults is carried out by external sources.
Once all maintenance is completed lab in charge, subject teacher and lab assistance take the demo on the instrument and submit report to HOD.
The sensitive equipment’s are covered and stored in cupboard immediately after the use.Classrooms.
The maintenance of switches, fans, tube light, and furniture are done on regular basis.
The maintenance of desk and benches is done on regular basis.Library.
At the end of each academic year the stoke verification of books in the library is carried out.
Any queries found are informed to the principal and issues are sorted out.
Regular maintenance of book is carried out such as binding of books.