Three day’s State Level Workshop On “Data Science in R”
Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering has Organized three day’s workshop on “Data Science in R ” on September 20 ,21&22, 2018 in association with Board of Student’s Development, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
- Title: Three day’s State Level Workshop on “Data Science in R”
- Resource person:
- Amit Gawade, Corporate Trainer, Techno jack Info Solution, Mankhurd, Mumbai
- Dhawale pratik, Corporate Trainer, Techno jack Info Solution, Mankhurd, Mumbai
- Nishant Pathare, Corporate Trainer, Techno jack Info Solution, Mankhurd, Mumbai
- Ankur Yadhav, Corporate Trainer, Techno jack Info Solution, Mankhurd, Mumbai
- Convener: Kunal S. Kore
(Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SPCOE, Dumbarwadi, Pune)
- Coordinator: Patil S.C.
- About workshop:
Objective of the Workshop:
R is rapidly becoming the leading language in the data science and statistics.Today,R is the tool of choice for data science professional in every industries and field.Whether you are full time cruncher,or judge the occasional data analyst,R will suit your needs.
This introduction to R programming course will help you master the basic of R. In seven sections,you will cover its basic syntax,making you ready to undertake ur own first data analysis using R.Starting from variable and basic opration you will eventually learn how to handled data structure such as vectors,matrices,data frames and list.In the final section ,you will dive deeper into the graphical capabilities of R,and create your own stunning data visualization.No prior knowedge in programming or data science is required.
What makes this course unique is that you will continuously practice your newly acquired skill througth intractive in-browser coding challenges using Data Camp platform.Insted of passively watching videos,you eill solve real data problem while receiving instant and personalized feedback that guides you to the correct solution
Duration: Three day’s workshop on september, 20,21,&22,2018
Topics covered in this Workshop:
Sessions | Topic to be discussed |
Sessions 1 | Introduction to Advanced Java, Networking ,Multithreading, Dtabase Connectivity and GUI in JAVA |
Sessions 2 | Introduction To R
R-Console and R-Studio installation ,Difference betwwen R-console and R-studio,Basics of R programing,Importing dataset in R, How to handle dataset in R,Data Frame generation. |
Sessions 1 | Introduction to Data Science:-What is data Science?Skill set needed,Role of data scientist.Differnt package frm R related to Data Science. |
Sessions 2 | Descriptive Statisics using R:Types of variable ,outlier, Data Summarization :Measures of Central tendency, Measure of Disperssion,Data Visualization | |
Day3 | Sessions1
Session2 |
`Machine learning Techniques using R: supervised,unsupervised learning.Building Regrrssion Model,Classification techniques:Linearly classifiers,Naïve Bayes,K-Nearest neighbor methods.
Mini Project discussion