
News & Events

Two Day’s Workshop On “Mechatronics & Automation”

Workshop on “Mechatronics & Automation” was organized by Department of E&TC, Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering from 06/07/2018 to 07/07/2018.
• Title: Two day’s workshop on “Mechatronics & Automation”
• Duration: Two day’s from 06/07/2018 to 07/07/2018
• Resource person: Prof. Rahul N Deshmukh PLC and Automation Trainer

• Convener: Prof. Mahesh G. Chinchole
(Head Dept. of E&TC and Student Development Officer SPPU, Pune)
• Coordinator: Prof. Rahul S. Parbat

• About workshop:
The workshop was conducted by Prof. Rahul N Deshmukh who is a well-known PLC and Automation Trainer also working as Assistant professor at SITRC Nashik. Prof. Rahul N Deshmukh has taken about 16 hours of theoretical and practical sessions.
• How many students have attended this workshop:- 22
• Topics covered in this Workshop:
Day-1:- Introduction to Industrial Automation.
• Details of PLC Hardware (SIEMENS and Crouzet)
• Basics of Proximity sensors, switches, solenoid valve working and selection criteria
• Programming Languages (Ladder and FBD)

Software Simulation: – Millanium Logic / Siemens Confort Software

Programming Language- Ladder Programming on simulation, Function Block Diagram (FBD), Simulation practice on switches, sensors, solenoid valves, motors etc, Programming using switches, timers, counters etc, Uploading and Downloading of program, Wiring diagrams for connections of Switches, sensors, valves, actuators, motors etc

Day-2:- LIVE PRACTICE: Ladder and FBD programming-
Logic development using ladder/FBD programming, Read and Write of program, Uploading and Downloading of program, Interfacing with switches, sensors, solenoid valves, conveyer belt operation, Interfacing Between PLC & various field devices
Project development – Hands on Project development using PLC and ladder Programming, Applications

• Outcomes of attending the workshop:
 This workshop added new scopes to educate concepts and proficiency among the students in the field of PLC.
 Workshop has definitely enhanced the designing and development skills of the students which will give an advantage to them in their future.
 This Workshop gained students practical knowledge in the field of PLC programming and enhances their Creativity.
 Received large volumes of usable content within a compressed amount of time
 Students were designed and tested own project.
 Learned simulation software of PLC.