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Workshop on “Applications of Arduino in Electronics for Digital India”

The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering Organized twodays’ Workshop on “Applications Of Arduino In Electronics For Digital India”on 16th& 17thMarch 2018in association with Board of Student’s Development, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Title:Two day’s University University Level Workshop on “Applications Of Arduino in Electronics For Digital India ”

Resource person:

  1. Attarde G. L, Assistant Professor, SITRC Nasik.
  2. Kulkarni G. M, Assistant Professor, SPCOE Otur, Pune.
  3. Rahul S. Bansode, Assistant Professor, SPCOE Otur, Pune.

Coordinator: N. B. Bankhele & Prof. M. P Aher

About workshop:

The workshop commenced with welcome speech by Dr. G. U. Kharat (Principal, SPCOE, Dumbarwadi) and Prof. M. G. Chinchole (Student Development Officer & Head, E&TC Dept., SPCOE, Dumbarwadi) and welcomed the Expert and participant and explained the objectives and importance of the workshop.

During the workshop,  Prof. Attarde G. L.Prof. Kulkarni G. M and Prof. Rahul S. Bansode, were focused on following points in concerned with Applications of Arduino in Electronics for Digital India:

  • Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
  • It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects.
  • An Arduino can be programmed to develop various applications starting from simple applications to a number of Advance Applications.
  • The Arduino board started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded environments.
  • This training program covers various aspects of Embedded Systems using Arduino.

Duration: Two day’s workshop on 16th& 17th March 2018

How many students have attended this workshop: 45

Topics covered in this Workshop:

  • Introduction to Embedded System
  • Introduction to Open Source platform
  • Introduction to Microcontroller
  • Introduction to Programming Language
  • Interfacing of I/O devices such as Led, Buzzer, Seven Segment, and Serial Communication.
  • Interfacing of I/O devices such as LCD, ADC, Wi-Fi, GPS, and GSM.

Outcomes of attending the workshop:

  • The workshop on Arduino added new scopes to educate concepts and proficiency among the students in the field of new revolution of the Embedded System.
  • Learned the basics of Embedded System and its applications.
  • The workshop mainly focused on the students eager to learn Arduino Basic and Interfacing with GPIO which will definitely enhance as an asset in their future.
  • Knowledge and understanding the fundamental Arduino Interfacing paradigms, Arduino architectures, possibilities and challenges with real world, both with respect to software and hardware.
  • A wide competence from different areas of technology, especially from E&TC engineering, robotics, electronics, intelligent systems.
  • This workshop has given project aims and objectives of embedded systems for continuously evaluation of the New Technologies.