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Digital circuit Implementation using FPGA

We Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering conducted a Two days’ Workshop on “Digital circuit implementation using FPGA” during 19/12/2014 to 20/12/2014.

Field Programmable Gate Arrays are generic devices that contain a vast number of basic digital components. The interconnections between these components are defined by the user. By specifying these interconnections different digital circuits may be realized. FPGAS are reprogrammable devices, making the change from one digital circuit to another as simple as downloading a new interconnection file. Furthermore the definition of the interconnection file may be carried out at high level machine languages, making the design and debugging of complex digital circuits rather simple.

Detail Report Of Workshop:

Title: Digital circuit implementation using FPGA.

 Resource person: 1. Miss. Vasudha V. Patil

Coordinator: Prof. R. S. Parbat

Duration: It’s a Two day workshop. From 19/12/2014 to 20/12/2014. In this Two-day course, student gained valuable hands-on experience.

No. of students attended this workshop:  55

Software Tools: XILIN Simulation Software.

Hardware tools: FPGA device.

About Workshop:

Data processing, system control and real-time monitoring have become indispensable to the modern industrial environment. Digital electronics has rendered the widely used analog controllers obsolete. Field programmable controllers like FPGA have introduced versatility and flexibility in control. While many of us may be stuck behind age-old microcontrollers, Currents provides we the opportunity to enter the digital era. Using FPGA, we can build your own digital circuits; we can simulate processors and interface memory devices to our ultimate control platform that is FPGA. This workshop is aimed to trained us in basic digital electronics, encoding and decoding tasks using HDL, and bolstering you with the ability to implement digital blocks as well as processor blocks. Participants will also learn memory device interfacing and file accessing. This workshop would also serve as valuable bridging course to those aiming towards specializing in digital electronics. Moreover, we would also equip you to with all necessary knowledge and materials to pursue projects in this field

Topics covered in this Workshop:

Day 1:

  1. Introduction to basic electronics.
  2. Encoding and Decoding using FPGA.
  3. Basic VHDL Coding Techniques
  4. Learn Hardware Descriptive Language (HDL) using

 Day 2

  1. Simulation Software.
  2. Spartan-3 FPGA HDL Coding Techniques
  3. Implementation of different Digital circuits using FPGA.

Outcome of attending workshop:-

  • Design and analyze circuits for digital arithmetic.
  • Familiar with Xilinx ISE software.
  • Become familiar with VHDL coding and use of the ISE simulator (ISim).
  • Be able to synthesize and implement VHDL designs to FPGAs using ISE simulator..
  • Able to Use Verilog and VHDL, Implement a substantial digital system on an FPGA.
  • Learn how to write test-benches and perform verification of the relatively complex digital system. 

Conclusion: In this workshop, Basics of electronics, VHDL basic, Introduction to Xilinx simulator, VHDL programming is theoretically and practically covered by means of hands on of various types Digital circuits implementation.