Workshop On “Recent Trends in Software Engineering”
SharadchandraPawar College of Engineeringhas organizedtwoday’s workshop on “Recent Trends in Software Engineering” on March16th&17th,2018 in association with Board of Student’s Development, SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune.
Title:Two day’s University Level Workshop on “Recent Trends in Software Engineering”
Resource person:
- Krishna T. Belerao, KJ’s Trinity COE, Pune
- Vikas More, Software Tester, Accede Software Solution, Pune
- Rohit Pagare, Website Developer, Webizz Techno Soft Solution Pvt, Ltd Nashik.
Convener: Kunal S. Kore
(Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SPCOE, Dumbarwadi, Pune)
Coordinator: BhagwanKuhe,
Co-coordinator: RekhaShelake
About workshop:
Prof. Krishna T. Belerao,Mr. Vikas Moreand Mr. Rohit Pagareconductedthe workshop to explain students in understanding the concepts of theRecent Trends in Software Engineering. They have taken about 16 hours of theoretical and practical sessions.
Prof. Krishna T. Beleraostarted the workshop with a very creative introductory session on 16th March 2018. First of all he hasexplained the concepts which will be very helpful for use of Software Engineering concepts in industry, using power point presentations.In this theoretical explanation part,Mr. Vikas Moreexplained the Build process automation and Tools used for it like ANT, MAVEN & GRADLE etc. and use of this software for further practical implementation in Software Engineering. They have also given a brief ideaabout challenges in Software Engineering.
In the next sessions, they have takenJenkins: What is Jenkins? How Jenkins can do Continues Integration.Creating pipeline with Jenkins to automate build process,what is configuration Management? Tools used like Ansible, Packer, Chef.
On 17th March 2018,Mr. Rohit Pagarehas taken practical session on real world applications of Software Engineering..
Prof. Krishna T. Beleraoand Mr. Vikas More had takentheoretical explanation part of AWS: Service offered by AWS, Understand deploying applications in AWS.
Duration: Two day’s workshop on March16th&17th, 2018.
How many students have attended this workshop: 37
- The objective behind this workshop is to give high level overview of the patterns & practices getting to deliver software at faster pace.
- While understanding the patterns & practices the student would also be given hands on experience on tools which are used to do this automation.
Contents of Workshop
- Understand the software development methodologies.
- Importance of DevOps concept in software engineering evolution.
- Introduction to process of Integrated software, software engineering Fundamentals, how enterprise software are managed?SDLC Waterfall &Agile method.
- Understand the Build process automation?tools used for same e.g. ANT,MAVEN & GRADLE.
- Understand how big companies manage their data centers using Ansible.Packet,Chef,AWS
Conclusion:In this workshop, student gets deep knowledge about DevOps and Gradle and Maven Automation Tool.How to develop and run DevOps application from small to large scale.So this workshop very helpful for student and staff also.