
News & Events

Workshop on Signal and Image Processing in MATLAB

The Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, Organized “Two day Workshop on SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING IN MATLABduring 17/12/2013 to 18/12/2013. The objective of workshop is to focus on research and development issues include efficient processing and transmission of data in form of signal and image. The workshop aims to review the current state of research and exploration of possibilities of the implementation of various algorithms in image and signal processing using MATLAB and Open source tools. The participants of workshop will learn the cutting edge technology, research issues and challenges faced in the signal and image processing

All the faculty and staff members actively participated in the event to make it a grand success.

Detail Report Of Workshop:

Title: Signal & Image Processing In Matlab

Resource person: 1.Prof. Moiz Husen.

  1. Prof. Rajesh B. Mapari
  2. Prof. Amol Bhatkar

Coordinator: Prof. Bodke S.H.

Duration: It’s a Two day workshop from 17/12/2013 to 18/12/2013.  In this Two-day course, student gained valuable hands-on experience.

How many students have attended this workshop: 72

Software Tools: MATLAB 2013.

About Workshop:

The workshop focuses on research and development issues include efficient processing and transmission of data in form of signal and image. The workshop aims to review the current state of research and exploration of possibilities of the implementation of various algorithms in image and signal processing using MATLAB and Open source tools. The participants of workshop will learn the cutting edge technology, research issues and challenges faced in the signal and image processing

Topics covered in this Workshop:

Day 1:

Key Points on Day 1:

  1. Introduction to image processing toolbox
  2. Working with images: types, read, write, display, conversion etc.
  3. Image arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  4. Image alignment: crop, rotate and resize.
  5. Image enhancement: histogram processing, gamma and log transformation.
  6. Binary image processing and analysis.
  7. Binary and greyscale morphological filter.
  8. Color image processing.
  9. Problem solving and exercises.

Day 2:-

  1. Spatial Domain Filtering: linear, median and adaptive.
  2. Frequency domain filtering: Guassian high and low pass filter.
  3. Regional processing and block processing.
  4. Image segmentation: Tresholding, edge based and region based method.
  5. Image representation color, texture and shape.

Outcomes of attending the workshop:

  • Understanding the trends Signal and Image Processing
  • What signal processing means.
  • How images can read, write and display using matlab software.
  • How to convert image into greyscale and processing of greyscale image.
  • Students will be able to understand image enhancement and type of enhancement.
  • How to segment particular image by different segmentation approach.
  • Image filtering by various types of filter.

 Conclusion:-The Workshop helped participants understand the basic signal and image processing techniques and It also helped participants understand the method of filtering signals and images.